
Project news There is so much happening at Elliot Springs. We are busily constructing more lots that will soon see homes built and more new residents in our community. There is also all important infrastructure like the new service station and sewer upgrade. Here are a few of the details: Whites Creek Stages 1-3 will be registered in December and stage 4 will commence construction in early 2021. Service station to include retail Site establishment is underway and we are set to see the service station and small shop open in April 2021. This will be a fantastic milestone for Elliot Springs. Sewer trunk upgrade This 13km trunk sewer is nearing completion and connects Elliot Springs to Townsville City Council’s infrastructure. Follow the latest developments at Artist’s impression of the Whites Creek service station and retail offering Sewer trunk upgrade is on track for completion early 2021 Kerb, channel and asphalt works were completed in November