Lendlease Annual Report 2022

The Lendlease Board is committed to exceptional corporate governance policies and practices which are fundamental to the long term success and prosperity of the Group. In FY22, the Board continued its longstanding practice of reviewing its corporate governance and reporting practices. The Corporate Governance Statement is available on the Lendlease website. The Corporate Governance Framework is regularly assessed and amended to remain current. The Board’s five permanent committees continue to assist, advise and make recommendations to the Board on matters falling within their areas of responsibility, as set out in the Committee Charters. The Board delegates authority for all other functions and matters necessary for the day to day management of the Group to the Global Chief Executive Officer, who delegates to senior management as required. Limits of Authority, which are reviewed at least annually, are in place. These outline the matters specifically reserved for determination by the Board and those matters delegated to Board Committees or Group Executive Management. Governance Governance 65