Alkimos Voice Winter 2020

SPROUT COMMUNITY SEEDLING FUND NOW OPEN The Sprout Seedling Fund Community Grants Program is now open. The program aims to fund projects and activities that offer clear benefit for the Alkimos Vista and Alkimos Beach communities contributing to its development in building community cohesion. If there’s a group, club, program or event you would you love to see in your community - the grants program could be the perfect opportunity to seed fund your initiative. This round there is $9,000 up for grabs. Three finalists are selected by the local Seedling Fund Committee. The community votes to decide how finalists share the round tally. Each finalist gets a base $2000, then voting determines the split of the remaining round tally. Drop into Sprout Hub Alkimos Vista to collect an info pack. Request info via email Or view/download online from facebook/sprouthubalkimos Stay tuned to Sprout Hub social media and in-hub displays to find out how you vote.