Alkimos Voice Winter 2020

SPROUT TURNS ONE YEAR OLD AT ALKIMOS VISTA Sprout turned one at its new home in Alkimos Vista in April. Recently things looked a little different, but we’re delighted to still be able to continue serving you great coffee from their side window. Staff got to meet so many new people (and dogs!) out for walks in the park and working from home and would like to thank you all for supporting them through this time, following the rules and keeping safe. Here is what else Sprout has been up to the past 12 months. •.So far, six talented locals showcasing their artwork at a pop-up exhibition at Sprout Hub and the Meet the Local Artist. • On the Local Retail Shelf, seven locals are selling their wares including Children’s books, candles, hand creams, chopping boards, hats, plants and more. • Supported the Smith Family Toy and Book Appeal with 29 toys & 29 books donated by the local community. contact number. • Over $1,300 dollars were raised at our Christmas party and first week of 2020 trading for the Bushfire Relief Fund for First Nations Communities in the Eastern States and local fire brigade. • Dymocks Children’s Charities received $4,000 to support their Library Regeneration Project at Butler Primary School and a new Duck Library in Alkimos Beach Pop Up from the Seedling fund. MESSAGE FROM THE ALKIMOS BEACH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION The Alkimos Beach Progress Association, who provides a voice for the community to directly influence ideas and decisions within Alkimos Beach, had their first meeting for 2020 back in February. Thank you to everyone who came along! Unfortunately, due to the COVID restrictions they have been unable to host any further meetings, but they are looking forward to seeing you all again when it’s safe to do so. At their next meeting they will seek to discuss their structure for the future, planning for the first AGM and committee position nominations. Meetings will take place every quarter with the next meeting announced on their Facebook page, which you can follow for regular updates. Alternatively you can contact the Progress Association at So, come along, share your ideas and help shape Alkimos Beach into becoming an even better place! Community Life