The Elliot Springs Voice - Summer 2021

Elliot Springs turns the spooky on Our community put on a spooktacular display of scariness for Halloween. Residents Kate and Schantelle planned a fun trick or treat itinerary from Observation Rise up Splendour Circuit and back down Belvedere Street, ending up at the LOVE sign for some fun activities. Thanks ladies for your efforts in creating such a fun night for the local kids. Kate said she made 70 green cupcakes and they were all devoured by spooky little monsters and witches. Great to see so many residents out in the street getting to know one another. Some great outfit choices as well - congratulations to Becca Mae and Rob Milla for their extra special effort and for winning the Mr Toys Toyworld gift cards! Images: Elliot Springs Facebook The two rats were a stand out for this family portrait Kate with her green cupcakes was a scary chef A winning effort! Daniel - is that you in there? Cuteness overload