Yarrabilba News Summer 2020

QLD Rogaining Event In October, around 150 competitors came together at McKinnon Sports Park South to take part in the eight- hour Yarrabilby Hop Rogaine. Rogaining is a sport like orienteering, where competitors try to collect as many checkpoints as possible in a certain amount of time. A great day was had by all with the win taken out by the team of Gary Sutherland, Ben Malby and Clint Fella. If you are interested in joining a rogaine, please visit www.qldrogaine asn.au/ Yarrabilba State Secondary College ready for ‘Eat Up’ How many sandwiches could you make in 60 minutes? In November, 100 students participated in the ‘Eat Up’ sandwich making session. ‘Eat Up’ is an Australian not-for- profit charitable organisation that helps feed disadvantaged students. With the generous help and the fast-paced sandwich making skills of dedicated Yarrabilba State Secondary College (YSSC) students, 2400 sandwiches were made on the day. This opened the students’ eyes to how their contribution can help the less fortunate. The sandwiches help feed hungry school students. ‘Eat Up’ makes and delivers thousands of lunches a month to schools around Australia. In fact, since 2013, Eat Up has delivered over 850,000 lunches. Students also learnt about sustainability on the day. Everything gets recycled from the bread ties to the bread bags. The bread tags are recycled locally, raising funds to buy wheelchairs for disadvantaged people in South Africa. All of the soft plastics are recycled at the local Coles supermarket and the end crusts are turned into breadcrumbs. Volunteer sandwich making is a great way for our students at YSSC to tangibly contribute to a very relatable cause. Students are looking forward to ‘Eat Up’ returning in 2021. www.eatup.org.au/ The Yarrabilby Hop race ranged throughout the urban areas of Yarrabilba out to Plunkett Road in the east, crossing Quinzeh Creek Road up into the Birnam Range to the north east and throughout the rural residential areas of Logan Village. “It was great to help out and make a difference to many students in Australia. I can’t believe we made so many sandwiches in such a short amount of time”. Chase, YSSC student